
Reinventing Financial Services
‘Reinventing Financial Services. What consumers expect from future banks and insurers’ is the first book on the future of financial services that puts customers centre stage. The book is written by VODW partner Roger Peverelli and 9senses partner Reggy de Feniks, and published by Financial Times / Prentice Hall. The book is available in English, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese (for Brazil), and French. Chinese will follow shortly.
Each new edition includes our latest thinking and additional content related to the target market: extra interviews with industry executives and thought leaders, best practices and research data.


January 12, 2013
What will the future of private banking look like?

Dutch magazine Balans, issued by Van Lanschot Bankiers, features an interview about the (perceived insufficient) added value of private bankers.

January 7, 2013
Customer experience design in private banking

Das Investment, a leading German magazine for bankers and financial advisors includes an interview about customer experience design in private banking. Private banks say they listen to their customers but in reality they stick to obsolete conventions.

December 20, 2012
The future of distribution channels

Our article series in Traders Journal continues. The latest issue include a contribution by Hans-Peter Schwintowski, professor at Humboldt University Berlin, about the future of channels in insurance.

December 5, 2012
Financial literacy in the Nordics

German magazine Traders Journal features an interview taken from our book: Mads Helleberg Dorff Christiansen talking about the financial literacy program of Danske Bank.

November 9, 2012
Big data: big hype – in Dutch

Big data efforts of banks and insurer should focus on creating better conversations with customers and new added value. Read more in our article in MarketingTribune.


November 2, 2012
Big Data. Big Hype?

New blog at BANKNXT. In our view current big data projects focus too much on efficiency and risk reduction  leaving a huge opportunity untapped: using big data for better conversations with clients and providing new added value.

October 31, 2012
Allianz and simplicity is One

Second article in German magazine Traders Journal based on our book. Christian Deuringer, global brand director Allianz, reveals how Allianz is implementing the concept of simplicity across the globe.


October 12, 2012
Brazilian edition of RFS now available

In Portuguese of course!

October 10, 2012
New article series in German financial magazine Traders Journal

Professional magazine TradeJournal features a series of eight (!) articles based on our book. In the first article – Gelingt der Neuanfang? – Herbert Walter, former CEO of Dresdner Bank, shares his vision.


October 1, 2012
Speaking at Next Bank Europe in Rome

Next Bank, the leading banking conference that takes place each year is now coming to Europe. Other speakers include Chris Skinner, Brett King, Christophe Langlois.

Next bank Europe will take place at 11 October in Rome, Italy.

September 27, 2012
Implementing customer centricity in just five steps

This month edition of Banking Review includes our latest article on implementing customer centricity based on the experience of VODW in a range of industries and companies.


September 22, 2012
Celebrating 400th anniversary of Turkey – Netherlands diplomatic relations

Garanti Bank and Eureko Sigorta invited us to speak at the ‘Let’s design the future’ conference that will take place at 3 October in SALT Galata in Istanbul Turkey.

The conference is one of the festivities to celebrate the 400th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkey and The Netherlands.

September 15, 2012
Launch German edition

A press meeting in Berlin with Roland Boekhout (CEO ING DiBa), Gerd Billen (president German consumer protection association)  and Walter Capellmann, the third author of the German edition, kicked off the launch. Der Tagesspiegel and Die Welt are among the newspapers that reported about the event.

The book is now available at bookstores across Germany and at all the obvious online options. Have a look at the video of our publisher!

August 18, 2012
How the six key consumer trends impact innovation

New article. Published as a blog at BANKNXT and in Italian magazine Bancaforte (in Italian of course). Message: it s all about deep consumer insights.

Link to blog

Link to Article

July 30, 2012
Our customer centricity white paper promoted by the AFM

The AFM (The Netherlands Authority For the Financial Markets) features our white paper on customer centricity in the knowledge section of their website.

July 7, 2012
How to make customer centricity tangible – and turn a necessity into a sustainable advantage

Definitely one of the challenges that keeps bankers and insurers awake: how can we become more customer centric?

Read all about it in our white paper. In Dutch – English version will be available next week.

July 4, 2012
Reinventing financial services – also in Chinese!

We are proud to announce that today we signed the contract for the Chinese language edition of ‘Reinventing Financial Services’ with China Financial Publishing House today. A big thanks to ICBC, the largest bank of China, that was instrumental in closing this agreement.

We will keep you posted on contributions from Chinese financial executives and launch dates.


June 28, 2012
Mobile services to transform the financial services industry’

In E-Finance & Payments Law & Policy we share our vision on how mobile is changing banking and insurance – much more and much different than we think.
PDF document

June 18, 2012
Banking customers at centre stage

A new blog at BANKNXT. –> Link

June 12, 2012
Autumn speeches in Amsterdam, Moscow, Rome and Singapore

At 22 September we will do a key note at the ‘Wealth management and private banking’ conference in Amsterdam.

At 22 November we will speak at the annual conference ‘Corporate Banking Interbancario 2012’ of the Associazione Bancaria Italiana in Rome, Italy.

Furthermore, we will engage with financial executives at various seminars and workshops. Among others in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Moscow and Singapore.